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Submit Art

We invite you to contribute your artwork on this website if you are a fine artist or a graphic designer. If you are chosen, your work will be shown in our website’s Featured Artists Gallery. Please include an artist statement that describes why you create art. Artists that are chosen will be notified by email within 30 days, on average.

Submit Your Art

    About your art/description (Be sure and provide details about yourself and art. )*

    I am the artist or designer and consent that my work can be shown on TheArtGalleryonline and shared in online social media.*

    Do you want to be added to the The Art Gallery online Newsletter:

    Please attach digital image of your painting here* (Max. file size: 24 MB.)

    (*By clicking "Submit," you agree to the site's regulations for access and use. In other words, you either own the artwork or have permission from the artist to share it. For additional information, see the privacy statement.)